Upcoming Events 2025-02-12T11:28:16-05:00

UPCOMING EVENTS (also see the calendar for scheduling information)


Morning Prayer Thursdays at 11:00AM in the chapel  (please note location for the colder months)

If you wish to join a Zoom meeting, please contact Kim at officemgr@rdgchristchurch.org for zoom meeting number and passcodes.

Zoom Centering Prayer sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30 A.M.

The first Tuesday of the month the Centering Prayer is held in person in the chapel at Noon.

Go to Zoom.us and simply press JOIN MEETING – (upper right hand area in blue)

 View the calendar above for the most up-to-date information.

Upcoming Events

February  12 ECW Rummage Sale 10AM-1PM

February 22 Youth Mission Training Day 9-11AM

February 23 Ministries Fair at 9AM and 11AM

February 25 Vestry meeting at 6PM

February 28 Junior EYC at 6PM

March 2 Youth Confirmation Classes begin at 9AM

March 4 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper 530PM

March 5 Ash Wednesday Services at 12 noon and 7PM