Christ Episcopal Church, located at 435 Court Street in Reading PA, is one of the oldest congregations in Reading, dating back to 1763. Over the years, our church has grown from the single church building to a sprawling building on the corner of 5th and Court Streets. We have worship on Sundays and throughout the week at various times, and lots of community programs active in our church hall. (We even have a pretty cool Wikipedia page!)
If you’re new here and want more information about particular events or groups, you can always check us out on social media (Facebook: Christ Episcopal Church Reading, Instagram @rdgchristchurch) or email us at christchurchrdg@gmail.com, or contact us by phone at (610) 376-8269.
All are welcome – we are happy to see you!
When are our services?
On Sunday mornings, we worship at 8am and 10am. Our 8am service is spoken only and lasts approximately 30 minutes. Our 10am service has music throughout and is great for all ages. This service lasts approximately 1 hour. On Wednesdays at 12 noon, we have a spoken service which lasts approximately 20 minutes. All of these services offer the Eucharist (or holy communion).

Where can I park?
Please see the map to the right for visual details. There is free parking on Sunday mornings along 5th (Bus 222) and Court Streets. There is also free parking in the M&T lot (to the left of M&T Bank on the map). You access this lot off of Washington Street by taking a left onto Madison Ave. In just a one block radius (5th, Washington, Madison and Court), there are 53 possible parking spaces combined! You can also park in the 5th Street Garage which is accessed on Washington Ave (at the Abraham Lincoln symbol on the map). This garage charges only $1 per hour.

What else is happening Sunday mornings?
Throughout the year, from 9:05 to 9:45am, there is adult education in the Parlor. From 9am to 9:50am, during the school year, there is Sunday School for children of all ages. From 9 to 11.30am there is also a nursery for infant to preschool children. After the 10am service there is fellowship hour in the Church Hall.
What other ways can I get involved?
We have many different ways to join and help here at Christ Church — from our work which focuses on worship, education and maintenance of our building (like our choir, ushers, Altar Guild, Episcopal Church Women, youth group, Property Team, acolyting, etc) to our work which focuses on our community and outreach (like Fall Festival of the Arts, Opportunity House meals, Rummage Sale to benefit local charities, ESL Dinner and conversation evenings, etc) — we are a community that is active and committed to living out the Great Commandment of loving God and our neighbor. Please join us and help us in this great work.