Upcoming Events 2025-03-26T09:44:12-04:00

UPCOMING EVENTS (also see the calendar for scheduling information)


Morning Prayer Thursdays at 11:00AM in the chapel  (please note location for the colder months)

If you wish to join a Zoom meeting, please contact Kim at officemgr@rdgchristchurch.org for zoom meeting number and passcodes.

Zoom Centering Prayer sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30 A.M.

The first Tuesday of the month the Centering Prayer is held in person in the chapel at Noon.

Go to Zoom.us and simply press JOIN MEETING – (upper right hand area in blue)

 View the calendar above for the most up-to-date information.

Upcoming Events

April 2, 5 and 9 ECW Rummage Sale

10AM –1PM

April 12 Youth Mission Trip Training 9AM-11AM

April 12  Berks Jazz Fest Concert  4PM

April 13th  Passion/Palm Sunday services

8AM and 10AM

April 17  Maundy Thursday service with Foot Washing 7PMApril 18 Good Friday Solemn Service 12PM

April 19 Easter Vigil Service 7PM

April 20 Easter Day (The Resurrection of our Lord) Services at 8AM and 10AM