Worship 2025-03-11T10:10:51-04:00


March 16, 2025 The Second Sunday in Lent

Bulletin for Sunday is here: The Second Sunday in Lent

This Week at Christ Church

Sunday, March 16—The Second Sunday in Lent

8AM Holy Eucharist (spoken)

9AM Sunday School

9AM  Youth Confirmation Class

9:05AM  What’s happening at CCR?

10AM  Holy Eucharist (sung)

11AM Adult Confirmation Class

11:15AM  Children’s Choir Practice

3-5:30PM BYC Practice

4-5PM NA meeting

Monday, March 17

9AM  ESL class

12PM—1PM NA meeting

Tuesday, March 18

9AM Citizenship Class

9:30AM  Zoom Centering Prayer

12PM—1PM NA meeting

Wednesday, March 19

8:30AM Staff Meeting

9AM  ESL class

11:30AM Stations of the Cross

12PM Noon Eucharist

12PM—1PM NA Meeting

5:30-7PM  NA Meeting

Thursday, March 20

9AM Bible Study

9AM Citizenship Class

9:30AM  Zoom Centering Prayer

11AM  Morning Prayer in the Chapel

12PM—1PM NA Meeting

5PM-6:30PM  NA Meeting

Friday, March 21

12PM—1PM NA Meeting

Saturday, March 22

12PM-2PM  NA meeting


Sunday, March 23—The Third Sunday in Lent

8AM Holy Eucharist (spoken)

9AM Sunday School

9AM  Youth Confirmation Class

9:05AM  Adult Forum

10AM  Holy Eucharist (sung)

11AM Adult Confirmation Class

11:15AM  Children’s Choir Practice

3-5:30PM BYC Practice

4-5PM NA meeting